Have we forgotten our environmental responsibility, and is this something that the industry is collectively mindful enough about, amongst all of the other challenges we have faced over the past year?

There is no better person to answer our questions than Julian O’Kelly, PhD, the British Parking Association’s Head of Technology, Innovation and Research. We tried to dig deep into what could be some of the solutions that we could begin making standard practice in the industry in order to not only comply but lead in the business landscape for our environmental approach.

Local authorities are now pushing for the climate emergency and the fight to reduce carbon emissions, and as a key component of the transportation industry, we are in fact in a vital position to creating change. Solutions such as integrated solar panels offer a fantastic opportunity to tackle these problems, but the challenge that many car parks face, especially privately owned car parks, is the high cost in some of these more common solutions. How can private operators balance profitability and social responsibility? This is just one of the questions we try to dissect in a brilliant episode of Brake The Mould.

Does the responsibility lie with the operators to become the voices of change in the industry, and how can we make this a focal point of parking at every level?

Scenarios such as working alongside each other, rather than competing, to drive towards this common goal could be the best way of achieving this and Julian explains some of the steps that the BPA is planning to take to drive positive habits as a collective sector, both in parking and transportation in general. Ryan challenges Julian with a question on creating a collective standard that can benefit the environment and create change in the industry, positioning it in a positive light.



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About The British Parking Association

Each day millions of vehicles make journeys that begin and end in parking. The British Parking Association, or BPA, want journeys to be seamless, whatever the mode of transport and the parking experience to be memorably stress-free and efficient.

As the leading association for the parking sector, The BPA are at the forefront of research and technological innovation, determined to help create a cleaner, safer, and less congested world where everyone can move around freely and easily.

Our world is changing and the BPA are always at the heart of a rapidly developing sector as trusted experts who understand the parking and mobility needs of our communities.

Learn more about the BPA and what they do on their website, here.