Our Anti Slavery Statement

Gemini Parking Solutions London LTD, part of APCOA Parking (UK) Ltd (APCOA), treats its obligation and responsibilities under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 as a business priority and recognises its commitment to tackling modern day slavery and human trafficking.

Modern slavery is the exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain and can take many forms. APCOA conducts its business with a zero-tolerance approach and with effective systems to ensure that any potential risks can be promptly and effectively identified.

The information included in this statement applies to APCOA’s financial year ending December 2022; to be reviewed again in December 2023, as required under the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the ‘Act’).

This statement outlines the steps and responsibilities APCOA takes in compliance with the Act to make sure that there is no slavery or human trafficking occurring within the Organisation. It also outlines the steps taken by APCOA to make sure that it is addressed and prevented within its supply chains so as to ensure that the same ethics and standards of APCOA are embraced by those organisations that supply things to it.

To view our full statement on Modern Slavery, click the button below:

View Our Full Modern Slavery Statement