Pubs and Restaurants

In today’s pub and restaurant landscape, car parks are significant links in the value chain: the point at which your customer’s experience begins, on reaching your venue. Your car park enhances your offer – boosting your reputation for customer service, improving revenue and developing customer loyalty.

Unrivalled experience

From the moment they approach your premises to the moment they leave, your car park is making an impression on the customer. It is your first and last brand representative at the point of entry and exit, and their enjoyment of your food, drink and facilities depends on their peace of mind and the security of your parking facilities.

Parking should always be a positive customer experience – which is why it is so important to invest in the best parking facilities and the best car park management for your site.


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Improving the Customer Experience

The convenience of pay and display and ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) has advantages, but the personal touch of car park managers or patrols can also benefit customers and build your brand reputation.

Small actions, compounded over time, have a big impact on how customers view your brand, giving you an advantage over your competitors and ensuring return visits and word-of-mouth recommendations to new customers.

Prioritising your customers

Today’s customers expect appropriate dialogue and fair treatment in every exchange, so our parking solutions treat customers with compassion and appropriate leniency, rather than throwing out fines, unquestioned. Essentially, it is all down to balance. There is, of course, a need to manage and control parking, but it is every brand’s priority to put customers and potential customers first.

Whether your site and requirements include ANPR, patrols, pay and display, digital payments facilitated by apps – Gemini excels. Our core value is a commitment to excellence – essential for maintaining exceptional customer relations in accordance with your plans and ambitions.